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Food menu

Our promise is to provide delicious, healthy, nutritiously balanced meals that children will enjoy. Our well-researched food menu provides a variety of meals. Through eating a wide range of dishes we can educate the children on new flavours, and different cultures. We will always include some old favourites which the children love!

Every meal is cooked with love because we love to see our children thrive. Beeches Park nursery cook and the team prepare everything from raw ingredients. We never use any pre-made elements in our meals. We source meat from local butchers and eggs from a local free-range farm. Each food menu contains seasonal fruit and vegetables and wherever possible we will buy British.

We use unrefined sugars in our baking with wholemeal flour and we add hidden goodness in the form of vegetables and fruits such as beetroot, courgette, etc. This helps us exceed the recommended portion of fruit and vegetables provided daily.

We never add salt and use reduced sugar cereals. Each meal is accompanied by an element of fruit and whole milk (or Oat/Soy for those who are dairy-free) or water. All of our food menus are easily adapted to provide children with allergies or dietary requirements with an equally yummy dish.

All mealtimes are a sociable experience. Children sit with staff and older children are encouraged to serve themselves, help their friends, and use age appropriate cutlery. Staff gently encourage and support children to try new foods, lading by example.

We have exciting themed days throughout the year and we regularly cook in the rooms. We grow our own vegetables in our greenhouse. This way the children enjoy caring for and ultimately harvesting produce that we can then eat.

We are dedicated to helping parents give their children the best possible nutritional start here at Beeches Park Day Nursery.

Download our menu here >> Menu Spring Summer 2024